Exceptional Higher Ed Writing

‘We Must Not Lose Hope’

Tallying public opinion as a war rages around you would seem next to impossible. But that’s exactly what pollster Khalil Shikaki, senior fellow at Brandeis’ Crown Center for Middle East Studies, is doing: surveying Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank during the Israel-Hamas war. Shikaki has dedicated his life to documenting Palestinian public opinion and sharing his objective empirical data with communities, policymakers, and academics. His most recent survey, the 91st opinion poll he’s conducted in Gaza and the West Bank, was arguably the most personal one of all. Illustration by Davide Bonazzi

Leveling the Playing Field for Academic Coaching

In high school, Emma Ciasullo, ’26 found tremendous meaning in working with children with autism. She imagined a future for herself in the classroom even before coming to Endicott. She chose the College because of its Educational Studies Program and the ability to minor in autism and applied behavior analysis. “School has always been a little harder for me,” Ciasullo said. “So, I talked to my advisor during the first semester. Together, we tried to plan the best course for me to stay on track...

AC/DC: All Charged Up | Wentworth

Wentworth undergraduates participate in research at every stage and level. "Engineering is a lot of fun for me," Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering John Voccio says before taking a sip from his large cup of Dunkin' cold brew. "I like to ask questions and then try to design experiments to solve those questions just like the old-school scientists." With a career spanning 35 years, primarily focusing on superconductivity and electromagnetics, Voccio's most recent research benefits from the work of some of the greatest scientists and inventors that came before him–including Michael Faraday and Benjamin Franklin. "I'm sure they were having fun, too," he says.

Teams Help Launch a SEED Fund for Social Entrepreneurs in Appalachia

Last year, law student Dylan Van Sky (JD ’24) set torts and constitutional law aside to spend a week on the ground in West Virginia learning an entirely new set of skills and expanding his perspective. Van Sky was part of the 2022 Frontlines in America team supporting local partner Coalfield Development in launching a seed fund to help entrepreneurs scale up businesses with a social impact component.

Advisors Coach, Mentor and Walk Alongside Students

Working in 30 countries and across the United States, Frontlines teams collaborate with local partners to imagine solutions for some of the world’s most challenging problems. To achieve this, Frontlines advisors donate approximately 400 hours of their time over any given semester. Acting as mentors and coaches, advisors provide solid business expertise and institutional memory about a project’s history and stakeholders, and emotional support to the team along the way.

Giving Back to Do Great Good

From his home outside Chicago, the retired chairman and CEO of Lincoln Capital Management Co. said, “I believe that it’s better to give people help in a way that allows and encourages them to help themselves. At Frontlines, the support goes to spectacular organizations around the world. I watch the students give a tremendous amount of their time and energy. You couldn’t ask for a better combination and that’s why I’ve funded the program so aggressively.”

Finding Love in the Least Likely Place | | University of Notre Dame

When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, Professor Misha Gekhtman was in Kyiv. His life changed forever for better and for worse. Gekhtman, professor of Mathematics at Notre Dame, never expected that Russia would invade Ukraine–or that fleeing for his life would also lead to falling in love, marrying, and gaining a daughter. When he tells the story–part tragedy, part romantic comedy–Misha admits, "If I read this as a screenplay, I would laugh because it's so unbelievable." Lifetime Movie or not, it's his reality...
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